Official information released in December chase and shooting death


Press Release Third Circuit District Attorney Office


RE: Officer involved shooting, December 31, 2019, Tippah County


Around 10:30 AM Tuesday, December 31, 2019, Benton County Deputies were involved in pursuit of a suspect through Union, Benton and Tippah County. Deputies from Union and Tippah, as well as officers from the Mississippi Highway Patrol, joined in pursuit that ended after the suspect’s vehicle hit a civilian vehicle and a law enforcement vehicle by wrecking on Highway 15, just north of the Union/Tippah line in Tippah County. The suspect, Brian Lee Elkins, exited the vehicle with a shotgun. Shots were fired by law enforcement; Brian Lee Elkins turned the shotgun on himself. As per standard procedure in the Third Circuit District regarding any officer-involved shooting, The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation will continue to examine the circumstances and present their findings to the next scheduled grand jury in Tippah County.