What returning city school students need to know
School is about to begin for the 2020-2021 academic year and within the New Albany School District, administrators and staff have been working throughout the summer to get ready. Even during this unprecedented time, the district’s goal remains to ensure the best possible safety and health of our students and staff while continuing to provide quality academic monitoring and instruction.
Communication between the school and parents/guardians is crucial, especially in these uncertain times. The school district has put into place many new procedures for every aspect of each student’s school experience to ascertain that we are doing everything possible to educate them while at the same time, keeping them safe.
Listed is some general information that parents and students should know while planning for the return to school. Each individual school also has specific information for their students.
- Backpacks – elementary students will keep backpacks with them in the same classroom all day. Middle and high school students will take backpacks from class to class hanging them on the back of their chairs.
- Students will not be sharing supplies such as pencils, markers, crayons, etc. Personal supply boxes or ziplock bags may be used to keep items together, labeled with the student’s name.
- Lunchboxes – Students may bring lunchboxes to school and will keep them with backpacks.
- Students will have a choice of two entrees for lunch. Each will go through the cafeteria to choose and be given a covered plate with lunch choices and drink. All students will eat in the classroom. Lunch trash will be removed from classrooms promptly.
- Students who plan to eat breakfast at school should arrive in time to eat before class begins. Students will pick up breakfast at designated areas (not just the cafeteria) in each school on the way to the classroom. Students will eat and trash will be removed promptly from classrooms.
- Snack juice and milk will continue to be available for purchase at the elementary school.
- Money – cash, coins, or checks sent to school with elementary and middle school students should be in a ziplock bag (preferred) or an envelope with the child’s name and what the money is for written on the bag/envelope.
- Regular water drinking fountains will not be in use during this time. Students should bring a filled water bottle each day to school. Water refilling will be available. Please choose water bottles that are not filled at an opening that is the same opening from which you drink. For example, we will not allow refilling of disposable water bottles and those like these, because there is only one opening from which to drink and refill. This causes a transfer of respiratory droplets which is what we must avoid to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- Forgotten items will not be allowed to be dropped off at school during the day. Arrangements will be made to assist the student to the best of our ability for whatever item was forgotten.
- The NASD will furnish one NA Bulldog neck gaiter for each student. These will be sent home with students the first day they attend class. Please hand wash gaiters with mild detergent and hang to dry each night before wearing it back to school the next day. We feel that these are the best option for students because they are worn loosely around the neck and then pulled up over the nose and mouth when needed. Not removing the neck gaiters during the day will help to avoid the spread of germs among students.
- Cleaning supplies and hand sanitizer will be furnished by the school district.
- Please make sure the school always has current contact information on file for your student. Inability to contact parents/guardians of students regarding important information such as illness or school changes makes for very difficult situations.
- All employees and students will have temperature taken with an infrared no-touch thermometer upon arrival at school each day, and student temperatures will be rechecked after lunch. Elevated infrared temperatures will be rechecked in the nurse’s office with a hospital type oral thermometer.
- Students complaining of illness or exhibiting symptoms of illness during the school day will be sent to the nurse’s office for evaluation. New Albany Schools employs a registered nurse for each main school building.
- Please be very familiar with the symptoms of COVID-19. A current list can be found on our school website at https://www.newalbanyschools.us/ Click on COVID-19 UPDATES. Parents should not send students to school who are exhibiting any signs of illness.
- Parents should notify their child’s school before 10:00 a.m. if a student will be absent on that school day. NAES 534-1840, NAMS 534-1820, NAHS 534-1805
- If your child or someone in your home is diagnosed with COVID-19, please notify your child’s school nurse by calling the school. Students testing positive for COVID-19 should have a note from a health care provider confirming a positive case and approximate date he/she may return to school faxed directly to Tammie Reeder at 662-534-1886.
- For current information regarding school news, search us on Facebook and follow us on twitter
@naschoolupdates @NAelementaryMS @NAMSupdates @HailMaroon
- No visitors will be allowed into the school buildings. The phone number to the school is posted on the door. Please call and let the office know what you need such as checking out your child. We will take care of bringing your child to the door. You will need a photo ID so that office staff may safely sign your child out to you. Reminder that no items can be dropped off at schools during the school day.
Please be patient as we all work together as a team to serve the great staff and students of the New Albany School District.