Cool weather doesn’t dampen enthusiasm at Ingomar Mounds
The weather was chilly but the rain held off for those who wanted to visit the 2,000-year-old Ingomar Mound this past Saturday.
The event was held to help celebrate Archaeology Month and included an archaeologist on site helping with object identification, mound tours, demonstrations of making cordage, ancient weapons and crafts for youths.
Visitors were also able to walk along the mile-long path with markers around the perimeter of the site and benches are scattered around the area and on top of the mound, where a new fire pit has been constructed.
The 63-acre ancient site is one of the largest preserved Native American sites in North Mississippi and is owned by the Archaeological Conservancy. The event is hosted by the Union County Heritage Museum and is an annual event.
Museum Director Jill Smith said the site has been carbon-dated to being built approximately 2,000 years ago and is a Middle Woodland site. Selections of artifacts discovered at the site when it was first excavated in the 1880s by the Smithsonian institution are currently on exhibit at the museum.
The site once had 12 to 14 mounds. Agriculture and time have diminished most of the smaller mounds. The remaining mound is the large platform mound that is the focus of the site. Archaeologists compare the Ingomar site as a sister site to Pinson Mounds in Tennessee and the Toltec Mounds in Arkansas. Characteristics of the Woodland Period are the development of pottery, agriculture and permanent settlements. Hunting and gathering also was part of the life of the Middle Woodland person.
Events for the public, for area schools and homeschooled groups are done at the site, which is on County Road 96 off Hwy. 15 South before one gets to the Pontotoc County Line, regularly.
For more information call the museum at 662-538-0014.
See the slideshow below for photos from Mound Day.