iPad Launch at New Albany High School
New Albany High School is pleased to announce their first annual iPad roll-out. The NAHS 1 to 1 Digital Learning Initiative provides an iPad to every student in the school to keep in their possession throughout their high school career at New Albany High School. The student receiving the iPad and his/her parent or guardian must be present in order to pick up the iPad (No Exceptions). There is also a $25.00 technology fee which will help provide educational apps for the students.
Students who have no outstanding fees or pay their fees and turn in their two proofs of residency as required by law can also pick up their 2015-2016 class schedule. Acceptable current proofs of residency are the following; mortgage document or property deed, apartment/home lease/rental agreement, utility bill, driver’s license, or automobile registration. All proofs of residency must be dated within the last three months.
Students and their guardian must report to the auditorium at the time specified below. If you have any further questions please see our iPad FAQ sheet on the New Albany High School website http://www.nahighschool.com/ or call 662-534-1805.
Monday, July 27th
5:30 P.M. – Seniors and their guardian report to the auditorium.
7:30 P.M. – Juniors and their guardian report to the auditorium.
Tuesday, July 28th
5:30 P.M. – Freshman and their guardian report to the auditorium.
7:30 P.M. – Sophomores and their guardian report to the auditorium.
Wednesday, July 29th
11:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. Make-up session for students and parents who can’t attend on Monday or Tuesday evening.
Melanie Shannon
Public Relations
New Albany Schools