Jennie Stephens Smith Library news, February 2017
Jennie Stephens Smith Library News:
For the month of January, 2017 the library had 3699 patron visits. 18 new library cards were issued for the citizens of New Albany and 22 for citizens of Union County.
The Jennie Stephens Smith Library is the gateway to technology and the internet for ALL citizens of New Albany and Union County. Libraries are no longer just a book depository for readers. Libraries have moved into the twenty first century by enabling everyone to have access to computers and the internet.
In the near future people of Mississippi may have to step up to keep our community libraries open. The state legislature is in the process of sending more budget cuts. The Jennie Stephens Smith Library is now open only 5 days a week because of budget cuts, and more cuts are in the pipeline.
Events scheduled for the Coker Speck auditorium is as follows:
Feb. 2 Girl Scouts 6:00 PM
Feb 7 Tanglefoot Christian Home Educators 1:00 PM
Feb 14 Tanglefoot Christian Home Educators 1:00 PM
Feb 16 Girls Scouts 6:00 PM
Feb 17 Life Core 9:00 AM
Feb 21 Luncheon with Books Linda Everett will review George Washington’s Journey: the President Forges a New Nation by T.H. Breen
Feb 22 New Albany Elementary Special Needs Students – Pilot Club