Jennie Stephens Smith Library news, schedule


Usage of the library

The Jennie Stephens Smith Library in New Albany has had 50,000 visitors from January through December. These are counted visitors, not an estimated number.

The library is very proud of its services to the town and county.

  • There are computers to make the internet accessible to everyone:
  • students doing research,
  • people needing to search for jobs and apply for jobs,
  • anyone needing answers to legal problems can access the Mississippi Access to Justice Commission’s website, and
  • people doing genealogy research have access to genealogy databases.

There are books for all ages, books in large print, and books on tape.

The schedule for the Coker Speck Auditorium for January:

Jan   3   Literacy Council  5 PM

Jan  11  Tutoring  2:30 PM

Jan  15  Military Order of Stars and Bars  10 AM

Jan  16  Kappa Kappa Iota  3:30 PM

Jan  17  Luncheon with Books  Rev. Bill Everette  Dancing with Max  11:30 AM

Jan  18  Tutoring 2:30 PM

Jan  19  Union County Schools  9 AM

Jan  20  Life Core  9 AM

Jan  22  Military Order of Stars and Bars  10 AM

Jan  25  West Union/Pilot Club  9 AM

Jan  25  Tutoring  2:30 PM

Jan  26  Historic Northside District Garden Club  5 PM

Jan  30  New Haven  10:30 AM

Memorials and Honoraria

Memorials have been received for Tad Provence. Honoraria have been received for Anita Buster, Bethany Dalton, Barbara Fuller, and Lynn Madden. Since Friends of the Library is a 501 (c) (3) organization, your memorials and honoraria are tax deductible if sent to Lynn Madden, 1027 CR 342, New Albany, MS 38652.