Jobs for Mississippi graduation held
New Albany High School hosted its Jobs for Mississippi Graduates (JMG) Installation & Initiation Ceremony on Nov. 21 in the NAHS Auditorium. Following the processional of student participants, the presentation of colors was provided by the NAHS JROTC and the National Anthem was performed by

Career Association President Logan Henry administers the Oath of Members.
the NAHS Chorus. Career Association Secretary Drew Darling told about the purpose of JMG. NAHS Counselor Kalee Stanton administered the Oath of Office to the Career Association officers and Career Association President Logan Henry administered the Oath of Members to the student participants. The guest speaker for the ceremony was Valeria Ross. Ross is the Program Manager for Diversity and Inclusion for the College of Liberal Arts and an Instructor for the College Freshman Experience at the University of Mississippi.

Student participants in the JMG program take the oath of members.

Career Association Officers Drew Darling and Lindsey Toler participate in the candle lighting ceremony.

Guest speaker Valeria Ross