Lee County Board Meeting Was Phoned In

Tupelo- The Lee County Board of Supervisors met on April 6, in what was a first for the county. Although several of the members were present the meeting was held by teleconference. All other participants called a central phone number to join the meeting.

Lee County is Officially a 2nd Amendment Safe Haven

Lee County was voted as a 2nd Amendment Safe Haven this morning. The county can now enact laws and ordinances that protect the right to bear arms. Laws that are being pushed elsewhere in the country that might infringe on the 2nd Amendment can also be blocked. For example, Lee County can block the Universal Gun Background Checks, which would require all firearms purchased to go through the National Instant Criminal Background System. These background checks would effectively put to an end to private firearm sales.

Debris Cleanup Contract Extended

Board members voted to extend the contract with Custom Tree Care for debris pickup for 30 days. Above average rainfall had slowed the progress of storm cleanup in the county. Now the Covid-19 pandemic has brought efforts to a halt. With most Lee County residents at home do to the state-wide shelter in place order there is ample time to bring the debris on their property to the road for pickup when the order is lifted.

Budget and Payroll

Board members approved the Lee County Sheriff department budget for the 4th quarter of 2019, as well as, the 1st quarter of 2020.

Payroll for some county employees was approved. The majority of salaries was for adult jail and tax assessor employees. The remaining salaries belong to county drug court and the juvenile detention center employees.