With reading program, other events library looks to busy summer season
Visits to the Jennie Stephens Library pick up considerably during the summer months with the children being out of school and the summer library program.
Events in the Cocker Speck Auditorium is as follows:
- June 14 Book Club 10 AM
- June 15 Build a Better World Reading Program 3 PM Ed May Puppeteer
- June 20 Luncheon with Books Zookymoon Tupelo author Jacquelyn Allen 11:30 AM
- June 22 Build a Better World Reading Program 3 PM
- July 4 Library Closed
- July 11 Literacy Council 6 PM
Be sure to visit the library’s website Union County Library System. There is information about what is going on at the library and services available. E books can be checked out, the newest titles available at the library are listed, and New York Times Bestsellers are listed there. Did you know that you could learn a language through the Jennie Stephens Library? Rock Languages is available through the library website. Magazines like the New York Times are available through a database accessed by the library’s website.
Don’t forget to check out the Book Nook for used and discarded books for a small fee. The Book Nook is brimming with children’s books right now, along with hardback and paperback fiction, nonfiction, and large print books.
Friends of the Library has received memorials for Paul Littlejohn and Beulah Hawthorne and honorariums for Lynn Madden and Barbara Fuller. Friends of the Library donations are tax deductible.
For hours and other information: http://www.unioncountylibrary.org/