Library opens back up to brisk curbside business

A steady stream of books, STEAM kits and other materials was going out of the Jennie Stephens Smith Library Monday morning as the library resumed service on a limited basis.

While the library itself remains closed to the public, the staff is offering curbside service from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The Nance-McNeely Library at Myrtle will also have curbside service but only from 1 to 5 p.m. Wednesdays and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursdays.

Patrons are asked to call the library with requests for specific books or authors and staff members will put them in bags and place them on a table outside the library’s north entrance. “You may call before you come and call us when you arrive to let us know you are out there,” Director Sissy Bullock said.

Books, DVDs, Wi-Fi hot spots and STEAM kits may be checked out.

“Browse our online catalog or just ask for books from your favorite genre or author,” she said. “We will also be checking our some STEAM items.” Those will be posted on the library Facebook page for patrons to choose from.

Examples include Lego kits, Picasso Tiles, Straw Connection sets and others. These can be checked out for one week, a maximum of two kits at a time.

All returned items must be placed directly in the book drop outside.

They will be removed, quarantined for at least three days and sanitized before reshelving.

STEAM kits must be returned during open library hours simply because they will not fit in the book drop. Call the library when you return the kits and place them on the table outside, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The staff will again make photocopies and send facsimiles for patrons. Place them on the table outside and the staff will get them, fax or copy and return them to the table. Payment must be debit card or exact change only, however.

Computers are not available for use until the building opens again for obvious reasons.

Bikes can be once again checked out Monday through Friday, though.

Bullock said riders must provide their own helmets and the library cannot keep personal items like keys while people ride. “When you arrive for bike checkout, just call us and we will meet you at the bike shed,” she said.

The person checking a bike out will choose one and remove it from the shed. The rider also will return the bike to the shed to help provide minimal contact. “Please call us to let us know when you are ready to return you bike, and we will meet you at the gate,” Bullock said. “We will then clean all bikes for the next person.”

If you have overdue library materials, go ahead and return them because all fines are being waived for now.

Call 662-534-1991 for materials from the Jennie Stephens Smith Library or 662-988-2895 for materials from the Nance-McNeely Library.

More extended hours will resume but Bullock said that date has not been determined yet.