Library staff selected to lead New Albany Christmas Parade

The New Albany Christmas Parade will be Monday, Nov. 30, and sponsors are breaking tradition somewhat by naming an organization as grand marshal instead of an individual.

This year’s grand marshal will be the Union County Library System and its staff will be honored in the parade.

“We were meeting and it kind of came to us,” Community Development Director Billy Jean Stroud said. “They have really kind of kept a positive spirit throughout 2020.”

“The ladies in the staff are always happy and smiling,” she said. “They have really contributed to the community.”

“The group of librarians were chosen for their dedication to the community,” she continued. “My assistants, Tracy Vainisi, Emily Draffen, and I have watched Sissy and her team do amazing things over the past two and a half years.”

Besides serving as the typical venue for checking out books, The Union County Library, recognized as a Star Library for the past two year, has the first and only bike share program in the state of Mississippi. It has been instrumental in offering the opportunity to everyone in the community a chance to use the Tanglefoot Trail.

Take-home projects, tending to the many gardens that surround the library, free wifi, resumes and job application assistance, virtual storytime, and sharing in the duties at events like Trick or Treat Trail and Shop the Block are some of the many services that the library staff does for locals and visitors to The Best Southern Small Town.

Staff members include director Sissy Bullock, Julianne Briscoe, Leanne George (Myrtle Branch), Alma Hardin, Cheri Hobson, Kalista Knox, Andi Thompson, Jessica Winston and Charlie Foote, Janitor

The 2020 parade theme is “A Country Christmas” and entrants are asked to incorporate the theme in their float and unit decorations.

First, second and third place awards will be given in the five categories of business, civic, church, youth and adult. Winners will receive $100.

Applications must be submitted by Wednesday, Nov. 23, accompanied by an entry fee of $10. The late fee is $15 but the fees will go to charity.

Applications are available at New Albany Main Street, 135 E Bankhead Street, and Union County Library, 219 King Street.

For more information, email or stop by or call the Main Street office at (662) 534-3438.