Local Library announces Septrmber events, donations
Calendar of Events for September for the Jennie Stephens Smith Library
Thurs. Sept 15 Story Time 10:00-10:45 AM
Fri. Sept 16 Life Core 9:00-10:00 AM
Sat. Sept 17 Military Order of Stars and Bars 10:00 AM
Tues Sept 20 Luncheon with Books
Thurs. Sept 22 Story Time 10:00-10:45 AM
Tues. Sept 27 New Haven 10:30 AM
Wed. Sept 28 Elementary Special Education
Thurs. Sept 29 Story Time 10:00-10:45 AM
9 hours of tutoring are scheduled for the month of September.
Statements have been made that libraries are an institution of the past. For New Albany’s Jennie Stephens Smith Library that couldn’t be true, because our library has had 36,155 visitors January-August and 60 new library cards were issued the month of August.
Since cuts from the state to Mississippi libraries have been publicized, a grant of $1000 has been received from the Anne J. Stephens Fund of the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis and a donation of $500 from Margaret Ellis Swain. Since Friends of the Jennie Stephens Smith Library is a 501 (c)(3) organization these monies and honorariums and memorials are tax deductible. These donations help the library to maintain our level of service to the community.
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