New Martintown industrial building going up

martintown building

Work crews have started hanging steel for a speculative shell building in the Martintown South Industrial Park.

The building will be the result of collaboration between the Union County Board of Supervisors and a private investment group called Enhance Mississippi, LLC.

The building will comprise 100,000 square feet and be situated on a 200,000 square foot pad to allow for future expansion.

The building is not costing taxpayers anything because Enhance Mississippi sees it as an investment opportunity.

The county will be responsible for recruiting an industry for the building and will be responsible for the infrastructure until the building is sold.

If the building is not sold within three years, Enhance Mississippi would have the option to lease-purchase the 65-acre site over 10 years at a cost of $5,000 per acre and zero percent interest.

Enhance Mississippi is made up of area individuals and businesses and receives help from Three Rivers Planning and Development District in marketing the building. Three Rivers Executive Director Randy Kelley is listed as agent for the LLC.