“Meet the Candidates” forum to be held at Union County Courthouse


In the spirit of community, several Union County Democrat and Republican organizations have collaborated on a Meet the Candidates forum.

The event will take place on Monday, April 24, at 6 p.m. at the Union County Courthouse. All municipal candidates from New Albany, Blue Springs and Myrtle have been invited to participate. Each candidate will have approximately five minutes for self-introduction and to appeal for votes with additional time for questions from the audience.

The evening will begin with light refreshments in the foyer with candidate presentations to follow in the upstairs chamber. Join us for an informative evening.

Municipal election primaries are Tuesday, May 2nd. Primary winners will stand for General Election on Tuesday, June 6th.

Who is running in New Albany?   http://nanewsweb.com/qualifier-completes-new-albany-city-election-slate/

Who is running in Myrtle (All Independents)


Micheal Canerdy

Jason (Jay) Turcotte

Alderman (All at-large)

Lisa Cook

Lisa Galloway

Jason Howell; Incumbent

Jessie Howell

Carolyn McCuiston; Incumbent

John Rape

Dustin Rasberry

Who is running in Blue Springs (All Independents)


Rita Gentry; Incumbent

Kevin Rackley

Alderman (All at-large)

Shirley Allen; Incumbent

Rick Bradford

Lynda Bramlett; Incumbent

Andrew Grisham

Leanna Hollis; Incumbent (Withdrawn, April 4th)

Malcolm Leath; Incumbent

Brenda Lindley