Middle school principal named to state advisory council

NEMiss.News Henry named to state council

Paul Henry, Principal of New Albany Middle School, has been selected to be a member of the State Superintendent of Education’s Principal Advisory Council.

The purpose of the Council is to hear directly from principals on a regular basis regarding any issues facing educators, as well as allow principals to provide feedback on the initiatives of the Mississippi Department of Education and the Mississippi State Board of Education.

Henry and other Council members will be able to discuss topics critical to the success of public schools.

“We are pleased that Mr. Henry has been selected to serve in this state level advisory group and be a voice for the New Albany School District and northeast Mississippi,” said Dr. Lance Evans, Superintendent.  “He will be a great representative of our faculty and staff and the education profession.”

Henry is in his second year at New Albany Middle School and was recently named the district’s Administrator of the Year.  Henry has experience as a teacher, coach, athletic director, and administrator.