Miscellaneous in the SPOTLIGHT, 2016

This post will contain photos about Miscellaneous subjects published in the NAnewsweb.com’s SPOTLIGHT position during 2016.

Photos on this post may be downloaded and printed at no charge, if desired, as can most photos posted on NAnewsweb.com.

This ‘Miscellaneous in the Spotlight’ post will be archived, making it retrievable at any time by using the Search function on the home page.

(For items posted in 20 15, search ‘Miscellaneous in the Spotlight 2015’.)

Items posted in December 2016

Christmas, 1976: A friend made this beautiful nativity scene for me to give my mother for Christmas. With her passing several years ago, it became my treasure. Do you have a favorite Christmas ornament or treasure you would like to share? Send a photo and caption to news@nanewsweb.com.

Christmas, 1976: A friend made this beautiful nativity scene for me to give my mother for Christmas. With her passing several years ago, it became my treasure.
Do you have a favorite Christmas ornament or treasure you would like to share? Send a photo and caption to news@nanewsweb.com.

We thank reader Judy Chappell for sending this photo of one of her favorite Christmas decorations. Do you have a favorite Christmas photo to share? Send it to us at news@nanewsweb.com.














Items posted in September 2016

The Trailhead Plaza, seen at dusk in August, is a nice place to pass a few minutes with friends or to just sit and watch the world go by.

The Trailhead Plaza, seen at dusk in August, is a nice place to pass a few minutes with friends or to just sit and watch the world go by.

Can you feel it? The Autumnal Equinox is upon us! Twice a year, in March and September, the sun's rays shine directly over Earth's equator, and day and night are balanced at about 12 hours each. This will happen on September 22 at 9:21AM. After that, daylight hours will grow shorter until the winter solstice (December 21st). Fall is a time of transition with great variations in temperature, increasing rains from low-pressure systems, and possibly snow, as temperatures turn generally colder. North Mississippi is in the portion of the Southeast where Fall leaf colors tend to peak in late October, so we still have a few weeks to enjoy all their beauty.

Can you feel it? The Autumnal Equinox is upon us! Twice a year, in March and September, the sun’s rays shine directly over Earth’s equator, and day and night are balanced at about 12 hours each. This will happen on September 22 at 9:21AM. After that, daylight hours will grow shorter until the winter solstice (December 21st). Fall is a time of transition with great variations in temperature, increasing rains from low-pressure systems, and possibly snow, as temperatures turn generally colder. North Mississippi is in the portion of the Southeast where Fall leaf colors tend to peak in late October, so we still have a few weeks to enjoy all their beauty.















Items posted in August 2016

In 1989 Baptist Memorial Healthcare of Memphis took over management of Union County General Hospital, which was built in 1966. The gray concrete-slab structure circled in this photo was all there was of the hospital when Baptist took it on. Since 1989 the Baptist organization has spent more than $65-million expanding facilities and services, creating the present day Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union County in New Albany.

In 1989 Baptist Memorial Healthcare of Memphis took over management of Union County General Hospital, which was built in 1966. The gray concrete-slab structure circled in this photo was all there was of the hospital when Baptist took it on. Since 1989 the Baptist organization has spent more than $65-million expanding facilities and services, creating the present day Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union County in New Albany.












Items Posted in June, 2016

EXCEL By 5 New Albany/Union County and the Jennie Stephens Smith Library have teamed up to provide even more educational materials to be checked out and used at home to assure that your child is ready for kindergarten when the time comes. This summer visit Jennie Stephens Smith Library at 219 King Street and be sure to look at the EXCEL By 5 display. Parents and grandparents of children ages 0-5 are encouraged to check out the educational resources that available. The EXCEL By 5 New Albany/Union County Coalition extends thanks to the employees of Jennie Stephens Smith Library, the Library Board, and the Board of Supervisors for their cooperation in this project.

EXCEL By 5 New Albany/Union County and the Jennie Stephens Smith Library have teamed up to provide even more educational materials to be checked out and used at home to assure that your child is ready for kindergarten when the time comes. This summer visit Jennie Stephens Smith Library at 219 King Street and be sure to look at the EXCEL By 5 display. Parents and grandparents of children ages 0-5 are encouraged to check out the educational resources that are available. The EXCEL By 5 New Albany/Union County Coalition extends thanks to the employees of Jennie Stephens Smith Library, the Library Board, and the Board of Supervisors for their cooperation in this project.














Items Posted in May, 2016

The first concrete was poured on the new Martintown Road Bridge on Friday May 27, 2016. At this time, work appears to be on schedule for completion in August.

The first concrete was poured on the new Martintown Road Bridge on Friday May 27, 2016. At this time, work appears to be on schedule for completion in August.

The Union County Courthouse, dressed out for Memorial Day, 2016.

The Union County Courthouse, dressed out for Memorial Day, 2016.










Every experienced photographer knows the late afternoon sunlight is heavily saturated with red (magenta) light, and filters are sometimes used over the lens to "correct" the color. The full spectrum of light is deflected or "scattered" as it strikes tiny (or not so tiny) objects in the atmosphere. In the above photograph, taken Saturday, May 7, in the Park Along the River, the light is scattered as it filters through the lacy foliage of the cypress trees, allowing the vivid magenta rays to be clearly visible

Every experienced photographer knows the late afternoon sunlight is heavily saturated with red (magenta) light, and filters are sometimes used over the lens to “correct” the color. The full spectrum of light is deflected or “scattered” as it strikes tiny (or not so tiny) objects in the atmosphere. In the above photograph, taken Saturday, May 7, in the Park Along the River, the light is scattered as it filters through the lacy foliage of the cypress trees, allowing the vivid magenta rays to be clearly visible

In spite of local rain, progress is continuing on the new Martintown Road bridge. This photo was taken on April 28th, 2016.

In spite of local rain, progress is continuing on the new Martintown Road bridge. This photo was taken on April 28th, 2016.













Items Posted in April, 2016

Another April Shower rolling through Union County at 6:40 pm on Wednessday April 6th. Bring on the flowers!

Another April Shower rolling through Union County at 6:40 pm on Wednessday April 6th. Bring on the flowers!









Items Posted in March, 2016

Trees and automobiles in the New Albany area look freshly clean and scrubbed after a thunderstorm passed through the area Wednesday evening, March 30, washing their former yellow dusting of pollen (seen floating in foreground) into the sewers.

Trees and automobiles in the New Albany area look freshly clean and scrubbed after a thunderstorm passed through the area Wednesday evening, March 30, washing their former yellow dusting of pollen (seen floating in foreground) into the sewers.

The fountain in New Albany's Park-Along-the-River was providing a special display for motorists on nearby I-22 and visitors attending baseball games on Sunday March 6th.

The fountain in New Albany’s Park-Along-the-River provided a special display for motorists on nearby I-22 and visitors attending baseball games on Sunday March 6th.












Items Posted in February, 2016

Brick masons at work on the west exterior wall of the new addition to the Union County Heritage Museum 2-25-16

Brick masons at work on the west exterior wall of the new addition to the Union County Heritage Museum 2-25-16


Well, Happy Valentine's Day to me. Someone's gift seems to have lost its ribbon.

Well, Happy Valentine’s Day to me. Someone’s gift seems to have lost its ribbon.

Items posted in January 2016:

With a major construction project underway, it is often not your typical "Sunday-go-to-Meeting" vehicles filling the First Methodist Church's parking lot.

With a major construction project underway, it is often not your typical “Sunday-go-to-Meeting” vehicles filling the First Methodist Church’s parking lot.







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