Mississippi approaching number one position in one vital area
During the week just ended, Mississippi climbed closer to number one in the country in one critical statistic:
Mississippians are long accustomed and often put down by being near the bottom of national statistics in many critical areas — income, educational attainment, health care, etc.
However, Mississippi is climbing steadily toward number one in America in one vital statistic: the top position in the country in the number of COVID-19 deaths per million population.
A week ago, Mississippi was seventh in the United States in the number of COVID deaths per million. As of yesterday, Friday, Jan. 22, Mississippi rose to the number five position.
According to statistics provided on the premier on-line statistical source, Worldometers.info, as of today Mississippi has had 1,933 COVID deaths per million population. That is up from 1,920 death/million just yesterday.
Only densely populated New Jersey (2.350), New York (2,162) Massachusetts, (2,029) and Rhode Island (1,966) rank ahead of Mississippi in deaths per million. Those states are slowly bringing their deaths/million figures under control while Mississippi’s macabre numbers are accelerating alarmingly.
Another 1,856 new Mississippi cases of coronavirus were reported today and 39 more Mississippi deaths were reported.
More info on Mississippi’s rise: https://newalbanyunionco.com/reeves-is-lying-mississippians-are-dying/