Mississippi forms first Public Safety Coalition

First Public safety coalition

New Albany’s Deputy Fire Chief, Mark Whiteside provided the following information to NAnewsweb.com:

Today I proudly announce the FIRST EVER Public Safety Coalition! Created to form one strong voice to represent all aspects of first responders in Mississippi. Our goal is to bring consensus on legislative and public safety issues, and training efforts.

Members met in the Brandon CIty Hall, MS from Mississippi Association of Chiefs of Police, Mississippi Sheriff’s Association, Mississippi State Troopers Association, Mississippi Wildlife Enforcement Officers Association, Mississippi Fire Chiefs and Firefighters Association, Professional Firefighters Association of Mississippi, Mississippi Emergency Medical Services Association, Mississippi Office of Homeland Security, and the Department of Public Safety… STAY TUNED CAUSE MORE FIRST RESPONDER GROUPS YET TO BE ADDED FOR OUR NEXT MEETING.

Future information from the coalition can be followed by routine reports, social media or email. It will meet formally twice a year, unless other meetings are deemed necessary. Contact with the coalition can be made by reaching out to any of the members on the coalition. In New Albany, you many contact Mark Whiteside.

Thank you,

Mark K. Whiteside,

Deputy Fire Chief

New Albany Fire Rescue