Mississippi Passes School Safety Act

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Mississippi’s Senate Bill 2079, also known as the Schools Protection Act, was signed into law last week and will take effect on July 1, 2023.

The new law will allow Mississippi schools to create and train employees under a school safety guardian program. These safety guardians will undergo comprehensive training and vetting processes before being authorized to carry firearms on campus in the event of an active shooter situation on or near the school.

The law’s supporters argue that trained and properly vetted safety guardians will provide an extra layer of security for schoolchildren and staff, and could help prevent or minimize mass shootings.

Critics of the law, however, fear that having firearms on campus could create more danger than it solves and could lead to accidents or mishandling of the firearms. They argue that there are alternative solutions to school safety, such as increased mental health resources and measures to reduce access to guns.

The Mississippi Department of Education will be tasked with overseeing the implementation of the Schools Protection Act, and will work with school districts to create and execute training programs for safety guardians.

While the bill has received mixed reactions, it is clear that Mississippi’s lawmakers are taking the issue of school safety seriously. It remains to be seen whether other states will follow Mississippi’s lead in creating school safety programs.

Kenny Stancil