Mississippi Today publishes detailed information on Phil Bryant’s role in welfare embezzlement scandal
Former Governor Dewey Phillip Bryant could be headed for an encounter with a Federal Grand Jury – if a U.S. Attorney will follow up on facts published today.
MississippiToday.Org, the only news organization that still makes a credible attempt to cover statewide news, published some of those facts today. The first installment today of a series about Bryant and his personal involvement with the Department of Human Services scandal.
The article is packed full of details about what Bryant got and what he expected to get from his part in misdirecting more than $70-million in federal money intended for the poorest of the poor in Mississippi.
Dates, times, contents of text messages, a meeting at a drive-in restaurant a short drive north of the Governor’s Mansion on East Capitol Street – this article is loaded with details. NEMiss.News will direct the attention of its readers to the additional installments of this gripping story as they are published.
Find yourself a comfortable seat and click this link: https://mississippitoday.org/2022/04/04/phil-bryant-brett-favre-welfare-scandal-payout/