Mississippi Urban Forest Council Sets Annual Conference in New Albany

New Albany MS MS urban forest council

The Mississippi Urban Forest Council (MUFC) is holding its 32nd Annual Conference and Awards Presentation on November 7 & 8 at the Magnolia Civic Center in New Albany, MS. The theme of the conference is “Making and Sustaining Livable Communities”.

MUFC’s mission is to promote healthy and sustainable urban and community forests, which contribute to clean air and water, economic stability, and beautiful green places in which all Mississippians and future generations live, work and play. MUFC offers many helpful programs to communities and residents in the state.

  • Through the “Community Revitalization with Trees” program the Council provides communities with training, and planning a comprehensive “Green Plan.”
  • The “Scenic Communities of Mississippi” program helps communities with grants and other resources, including a “Resource Guide” which serves as a clearinghouse of information on conservation, green infrastructure, sustainable practices, and air and water pollution mitigation. The guide is helpful for community development professionals and individual citizens alike. Groups such as homeowner associations, civic clubs, home and business sites, military bases, parks and backyards are eligible for these programs.
  • In addition, the Mississippi Urban Forest Council has a number of training events that take place each year. One of them is the annual conference.

This year’s annual conference features topics that include how to avoid or change bad city codes that might make a city less livable, how to incorporate green principles in a comprehensive plan, how to create partners among businesses and citizens in good landscape design, developing effective tree and landscape ordinances, and clean water and pollinator policies, among others.

The conference also features the popular Awards luncheon, with awards being given to communities, organizations, and persons who further the council’s mission.

On Friday, November 8, participants will participate in a mobile workshop at Tanglefoot Plaza in downtown New Albany to hear the story of the successful rails-to-trails transformation.  Continuing education credits are available for elected officials, city planners, foresters, arborists, parks & recreation employees, master gardeners, landscape architects, urban forest masters, and others.

The work of the Council is partially funded by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality and the Natural Resources Conservation Services of USDA. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. Special accommodations are available as needed.

The cost of the day-and-a-half conference is $75.00. Exhibitors and sponsors are also invited to participate. Those interested in attending can register by emailing dyowell@aol.com. For more information, call 601.672.0755.