MS Center for Public Policy to meet in Tupelo
We are excited to be back in Tupelo for our next BOA meeting on Tuesday, May 24 at the First United Methodist Church on Main Street. We hope you will mark your calendar, bring a friend, and make plans to join us. Breakfast begins at 7:30 a.m. and the program will be from 7:45-8:45 a.m.
The speakers will be Forest Thigpen, President of MCPP and Mike Hurst, Director of the Mississippi Justice Institute (a new division of the Mississippi Center for Public Policy).
Forest will bring a 2016 legislative summary, an analysis of topics and trends, and an update on other aspects of the mission of the Mississippi Center for Public Policy.
Mike will describe his journey from 2015 candidate for Mississippi Attorney General to the position of Director of the Mississippi Justice Institute, and will provide details on current and potential cases the Institute will be working on.
Please respond TODAY to this email or call Sharon at 601-969-1300to make your reservation.
Mississippi Center for Public Policy exists to advance the ideals of limited government, free markets, and strong traditional families by influencing public policy, informing the media, and equipping the public with information and perspective to help them understand and defend their liberty.