Myrtle football field should be ready by fall

The football field under construction at Myrtle Attendance Center should be sodded this next week and is supposed to be ready for use this fall, Union County Superintendent of Schools Ken Basil said. “Of course we don’t know when school will start yet,” he added.

The field is being almost completely paid for through private donations or in-kind.

The school district is paying for the lights, but Basil said it is costing taxpayers no money because they are able to use funds already slated for a different project that is completed and the payments have dropped off.

The lighting is installed as is the framework for the pressbox. Adding sod comes next.

Basil said bleachers will be added but the schedule depends on funding. “I think they’re going to start with the home side first and add more as soon as they can,” he said. Some spectators may have to use folding chairs temporarily.

Basil said Myrtle residents should end up with one of the nicest football fields of any 1-A school, comparing it to 2-A East Union’s field.