Myrtle’s annual “Music at the Tracks” to be April 16th

Myrtle’s 7th annual “Music at the Tracks” festival will be Saturday, April 16, 2016. This event takes place in the C.J. Myers Park, aka the walking track, at 1032 Church St.

Come prepared for great food, fellowship, fun, and lots of live music.

In conjunction with the festival, there will be a Cody Daniels Memorial Motorcycle Show and Ride. All the proceeds will go to his family. Anyone wishing to participate in this can either go to and register or sign up the morning of the festival at the park. Price for single riders is $15 and $20 for doubles. For information on the Cody Daniels Ride: Cody’s Benefit Ride

We are still accepting arts and crafts vendors, so call: Marie at 662-988-2220 to reserve your $25, 10×10′ space.

A Citizenship Award will be presented to another member of our wonderful community. Bring your lawn chair and come join us for the day!!!

Marie White