Myrtle’s Candy Hill Festival takes cover in New Albany

Union County MS Candy Hill Festival

Rainy weather forced Myrtle’s Candy Hill Festival from its intended location next to the tracks in Myrtle to the Union County Fairgrounds in New Albany.

The event was originally scheduled for Saturday, May 4, next to the BNSF railroad tracks in front of Myrtle City Hall. Friday’s weather forecast brought about the decision to move the event to the Arena at the fairgrounds in New Albany. It was a good call.

Performers sometimes had to compete with rain on the arena’s metal roof. But all went well.

Candy Hill Festival 2019

Children played in the “Bounce House” under the arena.

A lot of urgent work went into moving the festival. The performance stage, sound system, food vendors, political displays, chidren’s “bounce house,” moved kit and caboodle under cover at the arena. During the event, it rained hard enough on the metal roof to provide extra percussion for the band. However, the sound system was good, voices were strong and everybody enjoyed the music.

Rain or not, it all worked. The crowd was perhaps a little smaller than it might have been outside in sunny weather, but those who showed up had a good time.

Garrett at 2019 Candy Hill Festival

New Albany Police Officer Brad Garrett is running for sheriff on the Republican ticket and is shown as he spoke at the Candy Hill Festival Saturday afternoon.

There was ample parking near the Arena structure. A short dash through the rain, and people were under cover.

Folks listened to the music and tapped their toes. Kids played in the bounce house. Politician made speeches, handed out campaign literature, ball point pens and bottles of cold water.

Edwards at Candy Hill Festival

Union County Sheriff Jimmy Edwards (in white shirt) visited with a voter during the Saturday event. His wife Larissa can be seen over his right shoulder, their daughter Brittney at his left shoulder and their son Edwin at right. Edwards is running for re-election as a Democrat.

Most importantly, as at any such event, people from Myrtle visited with one another and with their friends from other  parts of Union County.

Friends visited with one another in warm weather without getting wet.

Everybody stayed dry and everybody had a good time.