NA Garden Club presents Arbor Day program at NAES

Students shared poems and stories written for the event. Kneeling l-r are: Chloe Leath, William Roten, Andy Weng, and Farris Hill
Standing l-r are: Josie Campbell, Karla Perez-Huerta, Ashlynn Randle, Anette Rodriguez, Karsyn Harmon, and Julianna Scott.
New Albany, MS- The New Albany Garden Club presented an Arbor Day program for students who are a part of the Ecotots, Young Gardeners and Youth Gardeners programs. The program was held at New Albany Elementary School on Friday, February 10.
Danita Mattox provided the welcome and gave information about Arbor Day and the importance of trees. Mayor Tim Kent read the Arbor Day and Tree Planting Week Proclamation.
Grace Provence, representing New Albany Garden Club, presented a tree to the school to be planted in memory of C.J. Garner, a first grade student, who lost his battle to cancer earlier in the school year. The tree was provided by Creekmore Landscape.
Several students participated in the sharing of poems and stories they had written during the week about trees. A shared story reading of A Tree is Nice was presented by fifth grade student Julianna Scott.
Each student and guest in attendance at the program received a tree seedling to plant during Tree Planting Week. The Arbor Day program was organized by Danita Mattox, a 5th grade teacher at NAES and a member of the New Albany Garden Club. Arbor Day, Ecotots, Young Gardeners, and Youth Gardeners are all sponsored by the New Albany Garden Club.
Public Relations, District Test Coordinator, 21st CCLC Project Director