NA schools hire new head soccer coach in called meeting

The New Albany Municipal Separate School District Board of Trustees held a called meeting Tuesday, primarily to deal with some personnel matters.

Board members approved:

  • The resignation of Rodney Spears, director of the School of Career and Technical, effective March 5 due to retirement.
  • The resignation of Chelsea Hamilton, teacher at New Albany Middle School, effective at the end of the school year.
  • The resignation of Charlotte Nowlin, receptionist, at New Albany Middle School, effective at the end of the school year due to retirement.
  • The resignation of Jesse Thompson, teacher, at New Albany Elementary School, effective at the end of the school year.
  • Hiring Austin Baker as teacher and head boys soccer coach at New Albany High School, replacing Caryl Vogel.
  • Hiring Jessye Barnett, cafeteria worker, New Albany Middle School, replacing Patsy Foster.

In other business, trustees approved revised isolation and quarantine guidelines to reflect those recommended by the Mississippi State Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control.

They also met in executive session to discuss a personnel issue but no action or result of that has been released.

The next scheduled city school board meeting will be at 5:30 next Monday, March 1, in the New Albany High School Media Center.