New Albany schools approve administrative staff for next fall


New Albany city school trustees approved most of their administrative staff for the coming year at their monthly meeting this past week. The staff will generally remain the same.

One post that was not filled was director of the career and technical center. Rodney Spears, who has been director, is retiring and no replacement was named.


Administrative staff who were approved include:

John Ferrell, principal at New Albany High School

Luke Tentoni, assistant principal at New Albany High School

Paul Henry, principal at New Albany Middle School

Anna Kathryn Sloan, assistant principal at New Albany Middle School

Gwyn Russell, principal at New Albany Elementary School

Wesley McCullough, assistant principal at New Albany Elementary School

Dr. Chris Hill, assistant principal at New Albany Elementary School

Troy Trout, director of the NASTUC alternative school

Kristen Richey, director of special services

Sabrina Hall, case manager, special services

Margaret Floyd, director of child nutrition.

Robert Garrett, director of technology and innovative education

Lecia Stubblefield, director of professional and support service (part-time)

Suzanne Coffey, director of accounting services

Terry Stidham, director of maintenance

Melanie Shannon, public relations and special grant coordinator

Larry Pannell, assistant transportation supervisor


Also in personnel, the board accepted the resignations of Audra Chesteen, teacher at New Albany High School at the end of the school year, and Mattie Mills, teacher assistant at New Albany Middle School at the end of the school year.

The March meeting was also the time for the board to elect new officers.

They voted to follow their procedure of rotating offices so Barbara Washington was elected president, David Rainey is vice-president and Mark Garrett is secretary. Jill Shaw is outgoing president.

Lecia Stubblefield reported on the status of ESSER, or Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief funds coming to the district.

This program is part of the CARES COVID relief package and New Albany schools already have $435,615 approved. She said that $1,620,650 is expected in round two. The funds will have to be spent according to guidelines concerning COVID-19 but they include learning loss and the unanticipated costs of materials to prevent and fight the pandemic, which have been substantial.

She added that an even greater amount is expected in round three funding.

Director of Accounting Services Suzanne Coffey again reported that district finances continue to be in line with expenses helped by having virtual days, reduced activities and bad weather days.

The board approved an agreement with Jim Keith, attorney with Adams and Reese LLP to provide legal services to the board. In response to questions, Superintendent Dr. Lance Evans said that the district uses a variety of different attorneys for different purposes and no one is on retainer. That means only services actually used are billed for.

Trustee David Rainey asked about giving teachers a one-time payment to help compensate for the extra work but was told there is no way legally to do this. Evans said they would look into other possible ways of rewarding the teachers and it was noted that they can be rewarded indirectly through more materials for their classrooms.

The next scheduled meeting of the city school board will be at 5:30 p.m. Monday, April 5.