NAES happenings: Symphony, Earth Day, puppets & more
April 10: Students prepare for concert with symphony
Steven Byess, conductor of the North Mississippi Symphony Orchestra, visited all 2nd-5th grade students at New Albany Elementary School on Wednesday, April 10 in preparation for their upcoming Link Up Concert “The Orchestra Moves”. NAES students had the opportunity to perform with the Orchestra on April 12 at New Albany High School Auditorium
April 11: Earth day
Fifth grade students from New Albany Elementary School attended Earth Day on April 11 at the Union County Fairgrounds. Fifth grade students rotated through educational and activity stations where they learned more about wildlife and reptiles, wildflowers, water safety, fossils, electrical safety, composting, and geography.
Earth Day:
April 12: Buffy Coleman speaks at NAES
Buffy Coleman, former member of the World Famous Harlem Wizards and motivational speaker, spoke to students in grades 3-5 at New Albany Elementary School on April 12 about the importance of work ethic. He provided motivation and encouragement regarding the upcoming standardized tests students were preparing for.