NAES Happenings October



Buffy Coleman, former member of the World Famous Harlem Wizards and motivational speaker, spoke to students at New Albany Elementary School on October 1st about the importance of setting wildly important goals, working hard to reach those goals, excellence in the classroom, and bully prevention.








During the week of October 1, kindergarten students at New Albany Elementary School studied about the farm. Students learned about all of the farm animals and the food that we get from them – such as ham, bacon, eggs, milk, and sausage.


On Friday, October 5, students wrapped up their study of the farm with exciting events. Students were able to dress as a farmer or farm animal and they enjoyed a farm breakfast with many of the foods. That afternoon, Michael Young’s farm staff brought a horse, baby chicks, a pig, and soybeans for students to see first hand.










Pre-K students at New Albany Elementary School recently participated in “Nature Spy” activities.  After reading the book Nature Spy, students went on a nature walk and collected items from nature.  Using the nature items, students completed sorting activities and used their items for crafts and art.