NAHS names Outstanding Career & Technical students


The following students were recognized at the NAHS Awards Ceremony on May 11 as Outstanding Career & Technical Students for the 2014-2015 school year:


Richard Winkles, Automotive Services II; Abby Roaton, Oral & Electronic Communications; Aliyah Green, Marketing; Wesley Rowe; Construction II, Brandon Holt, Construction I; Chelsey Joyner, Culinary Arts I; Parker Nail, Digital Media II; Mary Scott Waldrop, Digital Media I; Crystal Huerta, Drafting Concepts; Brandi Gann, Early Childhood Services & Education II; Joseph Rutherford, Introduction to Engineering; Christopher Thomas, Engineering I; Amanda Scales, STEM; Carly Jumper, Child Development; Eathen Rainey, Family Dynamics; Quinlan Amos, Contemporary Health; Christopher Watson, Nutrition/Wellness; Leeta Ann Prater, Resource Management; Stacey Hernandez, Concepts of Agri-Science; Shelby Cook, Ag-Plants; Casey Whiteside, Ag-Environment;  Millie Chism, Ag-Animals


NOTE: no picture was provided with this information


Melanie Shannon
Public Relations
New Albany Schools