NAHS students explore film making, farm life and space

Baileytown Farm

Kati Kent’s Earth & Space Science class

Students in Kati Kent’s Earth & Space Science class at New Albany High School recently studied the universe, our solar system, and stars/galaxies. Students constructed a model of the solar system as part of the unit of study.



Jonathan Smith discusses a documentary in the making.

Jonathan Smith, a graduate student at the University of Mississippi, spoke to students in Journalism, English Comp, and Digital Media at New Albany High School on Tuesday, September 4. Smith is currently in his second year of the Master of Fine Arts (MFA) program in Documentary Expression through Southern Studies at Ole Miss. Smith talked about his experiences with archaeology and his love for telling stories through video and film. He discussed in detail the film he is currently researching and creating as part of his MFA studies.


NAHS Life Skills Class visits Baileytown Farm

On Friday, September 14th, the students in the Life Skills class at New Albany High School spent the morning at Baileytown Farm. During the visit, students explored and learned about the greenhouse, the chicken coop and the garden. Students sampled several varieties of heirloom tomatoes and enjoyed a bouquet of flowers that they picked. Abby Voyles is the Life Skills teacher at NAHS.

NAHS and Baileytown Farm

Life Skills Class at Baileytown Farm.

Melanie Shannon

Public Relations

New Albany Schools