NAMS Implements Positive Referral Program
New Albany Middle School’s principal implemented a Positive Referral program to encourage positive behavior.
When New Albany Middle School (NAMS) students saw Principal Paul Henry pushing around a wheel barrow the first week of school, some may have thought that he was helping with some of the construction that is going on in the building. They soon found out that their new principal was rolling out a positive behavior program full of fun treats.
Henry hopes that students will understand the importance of going above and beyond the normal expectations of good behavior and being a good student. “We want to instill in our students the importance of being good citizens who give back to our school and our community,” Henry said. “Students will be recognized for making good choices and going above what is expected of them.”
Teachers have positive referral slips and can issue these to students for a number of exemplary behaviors that are noticed that may include helping fellow students, assisting staff members, making good decisions, or being kind. Once a student receives a positive referral, they must be responsible and keep up with the referral until Friday of that week.
At the end of each week, an administrator or staff member will roll the wheel barrow around to each class and ask for students to come forward if they have received a positive referral that week. Each student will have the opportunity to pick out one piece of candy and one school supply from it and then sign their name on the wheel barrow. Their name will go into a drawing for a $100 bill at the end of the school year.
On Friday, August 16, the first group of students received their treats from the wheel barrow and Mr. Henry had an opportunity to talk to each classroom once again about the positive behavior program and the importance of making good choices.
“As we prepare all of our students for success in academics, athletics, and extra-curricular activities, we want them to understand that positive behavior, respect, and good decision making will be a large part of achieving that success,” Henry explained.