’s internet news services to New Albany surge in 2017


We at spent time during recent days reviewing the stories and reader activity during the past year. The end of 2017 marks the third full year has served its readers. Three years ago we expected success for this new concept of local internet news service, but actual readership has exceeded our wildest expectations. It continues to grow at a brisk rate. We thought in 2015 that could become the dominant source for timely local news. However, we did not expect it to happen this quickly.

We have worked hard, but so have the people who run more traditional local news services for New Albany. They are good at what they do and are performing better than most traditional news organization around the country.

But the unavoidable fact is that, in 2017, most people get their news via the internet. We didn’t start that trend. It was already well underway when we launched

Website activity is measured in “hits” or “page views,” the number of times stories are read on a website. We were pleased that the number of hits in 2016 was a big increase over the number for 2015. We expected the rate of growth to slow during 2017 and it did. However, has had 12% more hits in 2017 than in 2016, more growth than we anticipated.

Websites also measure the number of “unique visitors,” each day. A unique visitor is any one daily visit from any one device (computer, smart phone, pad, etc.). The site recognizes each individual device, and counts it only once daily. The same person could access from a work computer, a home computer and a smart phone, counting as 3 unique visits, but 10 visits from the same device in the same day counts only once.

The total number of unique daily visitors accessing each day increased by a phenomenal 29.7 percent. About 70 percent of the visits to came from smart phones.

During 2018 we will redouble our efforts to provide timely and accurate news to our readers.