NEMISS.NEWS serves northeast Mississippi
Northeast MS – During the past five years, this website has built a base of over 20,000 regular readers, most of them in northeast Mississippi.
Effective today, Saturday, February 15, 2020, it has a new domain name: NEMISS.NEWS.
Since October, 2014, and until today, the domain name had been NANEWSWEB.COM.
The focus of the website has been and will continue to be furnishing factual news about northeast Mississippi people and events. As previously, the website is locally owned and totally independent, not affiliated with any other news organization.
As from the beginning, NEMISS.NEWS is free to our readers, and there is no charge for publishing non-commercial submissions.
NEMISS.NEWS reporters are among the most experienced and professional in Mississippi. Although the news staff is small and will remain relatively small, its total experience in professional, truthful news reporting comes to more than 175 years.
NEMISS.NEWS has no political or social agenda whatever. The writing staff shares a certain level of disgust with what it sees as incompetence and bias in much of what passes for journalism today in America.
Our mission is to tell the simple truth, facts gathered from trustworthy and verifiable sources. We will promptly and forthrightly correct any errors of fact brought to our attention.
While most of its news content is written by experienced reporters, NEMISS.NEWS welcomes story submissions from trustworthy organizations and individuals.
Submissions must be written in complete English sentences and submitted either as word processing documents or embedded within emails. All must have been spell and grammar checked before being sent to NEMISS.NEWS. Every story submission must be accompanied by at least one horizontal color photograph in digital form (JPEG, png, etc.)
We do not publish submissions from sources we do not know. Voluntary news sources are vetted for reliability and truthfulness.
We are NOT a “social medium” such as Facebook or Twitter. While we recognize the role of social media and make use of it in making people aware of our stories, our standards of truth and verification of accuracy are high and will remain high.
We welcome suggestions and comments from our readers. Story suggestions, news about schools, civic organizations and other nonprofit organizations, and any other communications should be sent to:
As of this posting at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 15, 2020, we are still experiencing a few technical glitches due to the change of domain names. We hope our readers will bear with us while we sort those out over the next 24-48 hours.