New Albany Students Attend Career & Technology Day


The New Albany School of Career & Technical Education hosted “Career & Technology Day” on Friday, May 5 on the campus of New Albany High School.

Career and Technology Day began as Technology Day in 2009 to expose high school students to the technology used in industries and careers in the northeast Mississippi area. The event has been held annually since 2009 and has grown to include more college and career related information.

This year the Career and Tech Day was expanded to include students from 3rd-8th grade in the New Albany School District.  Students from New Albany Elementary School and New Albany Middle School were able to participate in this year’s event and received backpacks to place the career information they received during the day.  

Career and Technology Day was funded through the “PRIDE through College and Career Awareness” grant that the New Albany School District received through funding from the Toyota Wellspring Fund.

More than twenty-five exhibitors and presenters were on hand to inform students about their careers, as well as describe the technology that is used in their careers.   Vendors included:  Blue Mountain College; Northeast Mississippi Community College; University of Mississippi; MSU Extension Service; Miracle Ear; Rowan Dentistry; Mississippi Game and Fish; Mississippi Forestry Commission, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers; Leggett and Platt; MooreSites; Cooper Electric; BNA Bank; New Albany Light, Gas, &Water;Tennessee Valley Authority; Baptist Memorial Hospital-Union County; New Albany Police Department; New Albany Fire Department; Union County Sheriff’s Department; Northeast Union County Volunteer Fire Department; Mississippi Highway Patrol; Mississippi National Guard; Mississippi Department of Health; Mississippi Department of Human Services; and WTVA News.

Melanie Shannon – New Albany School District

Public Relations, District Test Coordinator, 21st CCLC Project Director