New Albany checks in from the Republican Convention/ Update III
Sue Morrison, current President of the Union County Republican Women’s Club, is one of Mississippi’s delegates to the Republican National Convention, now underway in Cleveland, Ohio.
Morrison provided with photos from the convention’s early activities. We will update this article periodically, as we receive information and/or photos from her.
Republican National Convention, 2016 (click to download or enlarge photos)

Buses are in high demand in Cleveland. Since our drive to lunch was short, “the cheese wagon” was our carriage…..keeps us humble!!
Everyone had school bus memories to share and new memories were made today 7-21-2016

The convention hall was loud with booing and disappointment. Ted Cruz failed to follow through with an endorsement even though he “pledged” to support the candidate who won the primary. I heard “no integrity”, “selfish”, and “sore loser”. This non endorsement is definitely ‘history making’. 7-20-16

Media is everywhere, literally encircling and infiltrating the entire convention center and city of Cleveland. 7-20-16

Laura Ingraham calls for all the “boy’s with bruised egos and hurt feelings” to keep their pledge….THE CROWD WENT CRAZY!!
Ready to see the faces of men with integrity show up and keep their pledge… know who they are. 7-20-2016

This is the reason we came….we have selected our candidates. Mike Pence will be an amazing VP… 7-20-2016

Sue Morrisson, of New Albany, and Reince Preibus, chairman of the Republican National Committee. 7-16-2016
Part of MS delegation:
l to r: Diane Hawks, Sue Morrisson, Ellen Jernigan, Morgan Baldwin, Sheila (Mrs. Trent) Kelly and Rep Trent Kelly. 7-16-2016
2016 Republican National Convention