New Albany church’s “Trunk or Treat!” is part of its community outreach
In an inauspicious building on Highway 348, lays a tiny church that has big ambitions.
Real Life Church hosted Trunk or Treat on Halloween, allowing 175+ people to safely get candy for their kids. It was a fun evening with nine trunks, ranging from Alice In Wonderland, Where the Wild Things Are, Mickey Mouse and Indian Themed. Along with candy, kids enjoyed a cake walk and a bouncy house. Real Life Church’s motto is Doing Life Together, and that was on full display as the church came together to provide a safe alternative on Halloween night. Forty-eight Bibles were distributed with along with candy.
When Pastor Robert (Rob) Bennet and his wife, Chelsea, took over the church March 1st of 2017, only 10 people attended the church. Throughout the past nine months, the church has grown to nearly 50 people on Sunday Mornings. Outreach events such as “Trunk or Treat!” have promoted the church. Other events have included Easter, the County Fair, and giving out water and food at the Tallahatchie River Festival. The church is looking forward to the Christmas parade this year, and is putting together the “Island of Misfit Toys” as their theme.
The church is built on “misfits” of New Albany, who are tired of playing church, and just want an atmosphere where they can be comfortable in Jeans, with modern music, and unapologetic, Bible-centered preaching. The motto of the church is “Doing Life Together,” and that’s just what Pastor Rob preaches every Sunday. “You may be a mess, but we’ll love you anyways.” They understand that nobody is perfect and life is hard enough to do by ourselves.
The community has responded and people from every background are enjoying being rejuvenated in a different type of church. In a “come as you are” atmosphere, the harvest is ripe for big things to come at Real Life Church. For more information visit
By Robert Bennett