New Albany Freedom Festival and FIRST HAND, June 25th
New Albany, MS– On Saturday, June 25th, our joyous celebration of freedom will begin with the Ringing of the Liberty Bell followed by the presentation of colors by the American Legion. Each of these are symbolic of the Freedom bought and paid for by our nation’s veterans and service men and women. ROTC will be performing rifle drills and demonstrate proper flag handling. We will honor our veterans, active duty military, ALL law enforcement, fire department and ALL uniformed services that keep us safe and free. All these individuals are cordially invited to attend and then to participate in a reception that will immediately follow the opening, with time for fellowship and refreshments under the “cool” FIRST HAND tent. This location will be easy to find….just look for RED, WHITE and BLUE decorations and follow the crowd.
FIRST HAND was the phrase coined last year to name and describe this annual event of political speaking and presentation of community education. This event allows the public to meet candidates FIRST HAND, ask questions and to engage in the process of choosing our public officials with FIRST HAND knowledge, seeing and hearing those who ask for our vote.
Come by FIRST HAND and meet the Supreme Court Justice Candidates, Trump Campaign State Chairman, Mitch Tyner and others. Visit displays by MS DOT, Voter Registration, Union County Republican Women, Pray for Soldiers, Cook Adult Day Care, Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries, National Guard, Convention of States, Support of MS State Flag and more.
SHOW YOUR COLORS……Dress in Red White and Blue for the Freedom festival. Enjoy the arts and crafts, food, pet parade, music, carnival, concert and FIREWORKS throughout the day.