New Albany Garden Club sponsors NAES art contest


Garden club Woodsey Owl art winners (Click to enlarge or download photo)

New Albany Garden Club sponsored the Smokey Bear & Woodsy Owl poster contest at New Albany Elementary School.

Pictured are the winners:

front row l-r: Christopher Chen, Katie Flores, Kimberly Huffman, Samantha Navarro, and Carly Pegues;

back row l-r: Emily Murff, NAES Art Rotation Teacher; Lorenzo Ingram, Elana Crayton, Allie Bullock, Chloe Hudson, Shelby Morris, Donovan Pulliman, Shanya Isom, and Danita Mattox, New Albany Garden Club Member.

Lorenzo Ingram was the overall winner of the Woodsy Owl poster contest.

Donovan Pulliman was the overall winner of the Smokey the Bear poster contest.

Melanie Shannon
Public Relations
New Albany Schools