New Albany Garden Club plants love of gardening in NAES students


The New Albany Garden Club recently sponsored the “Let It Grow” Poetry Contest at New Albany Elementary School. Glen Reeder’s and Ninabeth Capaning’s EXCEL students participated in the contest. First place poems will be submitted to the state level contest.

2nd & 3rd Grade Winners


L-R: Sofia Lopez, 1st Place-2nd Grade; Adeline Bailey, 2nd Place-2nd Grade; Harper Howard, 3rd Place-2nd Grade; Rocio Garcia, 1st Place-3rd Grade; Gus Payne, 2nd Place-3rd Grade; and Maddy Roberts, 3rd Place-3rd Grade.

4th & 5th Grade Winners

L-R: Caysen McNutt, 1st Place-4th Grade; William Chosich, 2nd Place-4th Grade; Caurie Clayton, 3rd Place-4th Grade; Riley Anderson, 1st Place-5th Grade; Cieara Early, 2nd Place-5th Grade; and Owen Richey, 3rd Place-5th Grade.


New Albany Garden Club sponsors new raised garden beds for EXCEL students.

EXCEL students in grades 2-5 at New Albany Elementary have new raised bed gardens for their gardening studies and activities.

The new gardens are being sponsored by the New Albany Garden Club and were constructed by Construction students from the Career & Technical Center.

EXCEL students enjoyed beginning their gardening project by filling the raised beds with dirt during the week of November 27.

EXCEL teachers at NAES are Glen Reeder and Ninabeth Capaning. Construction instructor is Rick Robbins.