New Albany High School annual Beauty Review Winners
New Albany High School held its annual beauty review on April 2, 2016. Becca Childers was crowned Most Beautiful and H.F. Mason, Jr. was named Most Handsome. Beauties included Ivy Jennings Jordan, E’lexis Jones, Meredith Prescott, and Payton Robbins. Beaus included Tyler Dickens, Payton Snyder, Overton Johnson, and Isaiah Powell. Spirit of the Pageant winners were Morgan Ellis and Payton Snyder.

Pictured l-r: Beau Isaiah Powell, Beauty E’lexis Jones, Beau Tyler Dickens, Beauty Ivy Jennings Jordan, Most Handsome H.F. Mason, Jr., Most Beautiful Becca Childers, Beau Payton Snyder, Beauty Payton Robbins, Beau Overton Johnson, and Beauty Meredith Prescott.
Melanie Shannon
Public Relations
New Albany Schools