New Albany kindergarten students enjoy a field trip around town


Kindergarten students from New Albany Elementary School enjoyed a field trip around town on Friday, September 4.  These students have been reading Miss Bindergarten Takes a Field Trip with Kindergarten.

 Students took a field trip and visited some of the same places that Miss Bindergarten did in the story.  Their stops included:  Sugarees Bakery, BNA Bank, UCDA, Union County Library, Union County Courthouse, and City Hall.

BNA Bank gets a lot of "hands up" from NAES kindergarten students.

BNA Bank gets a lot of “hands up” from NAES kindergarten students.

Kindergarten students in the land of Sugaree's.

Kindergarten students in the sweet land of Sugaree’s.









They also had the opportunity to see a fire truck and police car and  visit with firemen and a policeman.

What kindergarten kid is not fascinated with firemen and fire trucks?

What kindergarten kid is not fascinated with firemen and fire trucks?

The New Albany police department segment is a big hit with kindergarten students.

The New Albany police department segment is a big hit with kindergarten students.