New Albany schools: Wednesday Virtual Schedules on Hybrid model New Albany School District


New Albany School District recently announced a Hybrid Schedule for its students. The Hybrid Schedule will be utilized from August 10-September 4, 2020. The hybrid schedule calls for virtual school on Wednesdays for all students in grades K-12. The following schedules will be used on Wednesdays for virtual learning.

NAES Wednesday Virtual Schedule
8:00-10:00 am Reading/ELA
10:00-10:25 am Break
10:30 am -12:00 noon Math
12:00-12:55 pm Lunch
1:00-2:30 pm Science
2:30-3:06 pm *Teacher-Parent Virtual Meetings
Teachers will schedule small group, individual, and intervention instruction for students using the following format.

New Albany Middle School Wednesday Virtual Schedule
8:00-8:30 am 1st Period Class
8:30-9:00 am 2nd Period Class
9:00-9:15 am Break
9:15-9:45 am 3rd Period Class
9:45-10:15 am 4th Period Class
10:15-10:30 am Break
10:30-11:00 am 5th Period Class
11:00-11:30 am 6th Period Class
11:30 am -12:15 pm Lunch
12:15-12:45 pm 7th Period Class
12:45-1:15 pm 8th Period Class
1:15-3:06 pm Department Head Meetings
Teacher-Parent Virtual Meetings
PLC Meetings
On-Campus Athletics
IEP Meetings
Multi-sport Athletes should report to their “in-season” sport at 1:15 pm for check-in and screenings.

New Albany High School Wednesday Virtual Schedule

8:00-9:00am 1st Block Class
9:00-9:20am Break
9:20-10:20am 2nd Block Class
10:20-10:40 am Break
10:40-11:40 am 3rd Block Class
11:40 am-12:25 pm Lunch
12:25-1:25pm 4th Block Class
1:30-3:06 pm Department Head Meetings
Teacher-Parent Virtual Meetings
PLC Meetings
On-Campus Athletics
IEP Meetings

Information for NAHS Athletics/Band
Athletes who are participating in virtual school off campus and attending athletics/activities 4th block on campus or at another practice site will be permitted to check in and participate. Students must attend their virtual classes each day in order to participate in athletics just as an on-campus student. If students are marked absent by their teachers and do not fulfill the attendance requirement, they will not be allowed to practice that day. As each student checks in, he/she will receive a bracelet indicating they have been screened and are ready for practice. Students must check in at each sport’s designated check-in location between 1:10 – 1:30 pm and follow all current procedures that are in place including temperature checks and the NASD daily COVID-19 screening questions. (All virtual and hybrid students can participate daily in athletics or band if they follow proper health/safety/attendance procedures and guidelines.)

Check-in locations for each Sports/Activity at NAHS are as follows
High School Entrance Foyer (Hodges/Robbins)
• Baseball
• Softball
• Basketball
• Golf
• Tennis
• Cross Country (3:05)
Auditorium Foyer (Vaughn/Welborn)
• Football
• Soccer
Band Hall Entrance (Band Staff)
• Band
Middle School Office
• Volleyball

Information for NAMS Athletics
• Hybrid students will practice during their athletic practice on days they are in school.
• Sports that are considered “in-season” will practice after school with practice schedules to be announced by the coach.
• NAMS students who participate in a high school sport may participate in the high school practiceif transportation is provided by the student’s family.
• Transportation to school campuses and practice sites must be arranged by the student’s family.
• Students that are participating in both high school and middleschool in-season sports will practice during their athletic period and after school.

If you have questions or concerns about these schedules or procedures, please contact the Virtual School Administrator at each school campus.

NAES, Dr. Christopher Hill, or 662-534-1840
NAMS, Anna Kathryn Sloan, or 662-534-1820
NAHS, Luke Tentoni, or 662-534-1805
NASTUC, Troy Trout, or 662-538-41000

-Melanie Shannon


New Albany Schools

“Preparing ALL for Success”