Expired: Off the Record: Union County Call Log

NEMiss.News E-911 Union County

The Union County Sheriff’s office has released the call log for April 13 through April 20.

April 13

1:02 PM: Caller advised that someone is staying in a house close to her that is not supposed to be. CR 32.1:46 PM: Family dispute with three subjects. CR 47.

3:26 PM: 17 Year old grandson was about to leave the house. No one could find him, and blue pickup came by as she completed the call. CR 117.

3:42 PM: Caller said a white Ford Escort is chasing her. She is trying to get away. She parked at BNA Bank to call. BNA Bank.

4:45 PM: LGW is requesting traffic control at the address while they work on a line. HWY 348.

7:42 PM: Someone broke into the caller’s car. Oxford Road.

9:23 PM: Caller advised she is seeing big snakes crawl around. CR 194.

9:56 PM: Someone is acting crazy and cussing, also kicking things. CR 143.

9:56 PM: Caller advised a female was being held against her will by a subject in a black or maroon car. The car is broken down at the address. E. Bankhead Street.

April 14

1:44 AM: Noise complaint. Union Apartments.4:12 AM: Caller advised of a female lingering in the store. Pilot.

6:24 AM: Caller was at the emergency room and wanted someone to go to a residence and tell her sister to come pick her up. BMH Emergency Room.

7:30 AM: Sister had made it to her house, and she wants her gone. CR 88.

9:52 AM: 9 year old adopted son being defiant and throwing things. CR 76.

11:58 AM: Caller advised a white female came to her house saying someone in a grey car was trying to kill her. The car came up while they were talking. Moss Hill DR.

12:17 PM: Caller advised that someone was coming to fight. Caller advised he had a shotgun loaded and would use it if he came through the door. CR 73.

9:27 PM: Caller advised his wife is having memory loss. She thinks she is supposed to be going home. Williamson Road.

April 15

11:52 AM: Caller advised her neighbor is causing a disturbance. HWY 348.1:19 PM: Caller needs to speak to a deputy about a dispute with her neighbor. CR 115.

2:09 PM: Caller advised of someone burning something. CR 47.

3:12 PM: Caller’s sister is in a green Honda Civic in her driveway and will not let someone leave. CR 515.

April 16

11:13 AM: 16 year old daughter is out of control. Carley LN.11:39 PM: Smell of marijuana in daughter’s room coming from neighbor’s house.

April 17

9:29 AM: Caller advised that he has a video showing someone steal a tailer. Cr 73.10:17 AM: Caller ahs a constuction company thee, dozing onto his property. CR 171.

11:08 AM: Caller advised the nieghbors are arguing on the balcony. Albany Acres.

4:20 PM: Ex-boyfriend causing a disturbance and thowing rocks. Economy Inn.

7:22 PM: Caller’s ex-boyfriend is texting and threatening to hurt her. CR 225.

7:30 PM: Caller advised of a snake in the mailbox. Hazel LN.

7:50 PM: Caller advised that 17 year old son stole keys to truck. HWY 15.

9:17 PM: Someone is shooting and the bullets are landing in her property. CR 278.

April 18

11:18 AM: Caller lost a matress on the highway and needs help getting it. I-22.11:54 AM: Caller advised that her neighbor is smoking marijauna, and it is coming through the walls. HWY 348.

2:53 PM: Son is on property and not supposed to be there. Highland Circle.

5:05 PM: Caller needs a welfare check. CR 252.

6:34 PM: Caller advised her son has been gone 4 days. HWY 178.

10:00 PM: Throwing stuff at facility. Now throwing rocks at a truck. Myrtle.

8:57 PM: Caller advised somone is chasing him. I-22.

11:26 PM: Caller advised of loud music rattling his windows. Caller advised she thinks someone hit a lightpole. Bankhead Street.

April 19

10:52 AM Wanting an officer present while she gets some belongings. CR 22.10:46 PM: Caller advised he ex-boyfriend is at her residence and will not leave. HWY 9.

11:07: Fighting and screaming in front yard, going toward vehicle. HWY 9.

11:41 PM: Loud music complaint. CR 54.