Pontotoc School Board minutes December 9, 2019
BE IT REMEMBERED, that on December 9, 2019 there was held a regular monthly meeting of the Pontotoc City School District Board of Trustees at Pontotoc City School District Maintenance and Transportation Department at 6:00 p.m., with the following members present:
MEMBERS PRESENT: Gary Golden, Frankie Moorman, Shane Clayton and Wally Henry. MEMBERS ABSENT: Kevin McGregor. ALSO, PRESENT: Dr. Michelle A. Bivens, Superintendent and Phil Tutor, School Board Attorney.
The official meeting was called to order in open session by President, Gary Golden.
Motion was made by Frankie Moorman, seconded by Shane Clayton, and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District adopt the agenda, as amended, for this regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Motion was made by Gary Golden, seconded by Wally Henry, and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the minutes of the board meeting on November 12, 2019 and November 20, 2019 be approved.
Motion was made by Frankie Moorman, seconded by Shane Clayton, and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District approve the following fundraiser requests attached hereto as Exhibit “A”.
Motion was made by Frankie Moorman, seconded by Shane Clayton, and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District approve the following field trip requests attached hereto as Exhibit “B”.
Motion was made by Frankie Moorman, seconded by Shane Clayton, and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District approve the following transportation requests attached hereto as Exhibit “C”.
Motion was made by Frankie Moorman, seconded by Shane Clayton, and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District approve the following donations as recommendation by the Superintendent, Dr. Michelle A. Bivens.
Motion was made by Frankie Moorman, seconded by Shane Clayton and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District approve purchases using federal funds and exceeding $5,000.00, in accordance with current federal requirements. (Board Policy DJEA & DJEC)
Motion was made by Frankie Moorman, seconded by Shane Clayton and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District approve the deletion of library books from D. T. Cox Elementary School Library.
Motion was made by Frankie Moorman , seconded by Shane Clayton and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District approve the FY20 Federal Programs Title III and Title V allocations for Pontotoc City School District. (Board Policy DFCAA)
Motion was made by Frankie Moorman, seconded by Shane Clayton and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District approve FY20 School Improvement Plan for Pontotoc Middle School as recommended by Federal Program Director and Superintendent, Dr. Michelle A. Bivens.
Motion was made by Frankie Moorman, seconded by Shane Clayton and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District approve school board policy Compulsory School Attendance (JBA) and Student Conduct – Discipline Plan (JCD(2)) as recommended by Superintendent, Dr. Michelle
A. Bivens.
Motion was made by Frankie Moorman, seconded by Shane Clayton and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District approve the edits to the Pontotoc City School District Student Handbook as recommended by Superintendent, Dr. Michelle A. Bivens.
Motion was made by Frankie Moorman, seconded by Shane Clayton and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District review and rescind board policy Facility Expansion Bond Sales (FFA) as recommended by MSBA and Superintendent, Dr. Michelle A. Bivens.
Motion was made by Frankie Moorman, seconded by Shane Clayton and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District review and approve section D of board policies with changes as recommended by Superintendent, Dr. Michelle A. Bivens. (Board Policy BDE)
Motion was made by Frankie Moorman, seconded by Shane Clayton and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District review and approve section D of board policies with no changes as recommended by Superintendent, Dr. Michelle A. Bivens. (Board Policy BDE)
Motion was made by Gary Golden, seconded by Shane Clayton, and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District approve financial reports for the month, including the consolidated claims docket in the amount of $229,205.32 the payroll clearing accounts, the statement of revenues and expenditures, budget status statement for November 2019, cash flow statement, balance sheet, monthly check deta il, monthly handwritten checks in the amount of $1,621,280.39 as recommended by Superin tendent, Dr. Michelle A. Bivens and on file in the administrative offices of the school district. (Board Policy DIB & DJ)
Motion was made by Wally Henry, seconded by Frankie Moorman, and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the Pontotoc City School District approve the personnel report as recommended by Jay Hughes, Human Resources Director and Superintendent, Dr. Michelle A. Bivens attached hereto as Exhibit “D”.
Motion was made by Wally Henry, seconded by Shane Clayton, and unanimously adopted that the following resolution be adopted by the school district: RESOLVED, that the meeting be adjourned until January 13, 2019 at 6:00 o’clock p.m., at Pontotoc City School District Maintenance and Transportation Department Building.
DATED, this the 9th day of December, 2019.