Presley to hold virtual town hall meeting this week

NEMiss.News Presley urges special session of legislature

On Thursday, September 17 at 6 p.m. Commissioner Brandon Presley will hold a Virtual Town Hall Meeting to hear from constituents across North Mississippi. During the Town Hall, Commissioner Presley will give an update on the expansion of broadband to rural areas as well as take questions from the audience that they may have regarding their utility service and other issues related to the Public Service Commission.

“We are living in through a pandemic but that doesn’t mean my constituents don’t want to ask questions on things such as broadband expansion and consumer services. I want to give constituents a way to ask me questions and speak directly with me but safely. Until we can return to in-person Town Hall Meetings, I want to continue my pledge to stay connected to the people I represent,” said Commissioner Presley.

The Town Hall Meeting will be broadcast using Zoom and simulcast on Facebook Live. Those who wish to join the Town Hall via Zoom can use the following link or enter the meeting ID#: 926 2000 3877 on The link to the Town Hall Meeting will also be available on the Commission’s website: If you have any questions about this meeting please contact Lauren Cobb at 1-800-637-7722 or at