Procession of firefighting equipment escorted the hearse of longtime fireman Carl Martin
Several dozen firefighters joined the family and other friends of James “Pappy” Carl Martin for his funeral Thursday, July 7th, at United Funeral Home in New Albany.
Carl Martin, age 63, died Sunday, July 3, at his Union County home.
He had been a volunteer fireman with the North Haven Fire Department for more than 30 years and had served as the North Haven fire chief.
The United States flag flew over Highway 15, suspended from a New Albany fire department ladder truck. Carl Martin’s funeral procession passed under the flag as it left United Funeral Home and turned north on its way to his burial place at Ebenezer Presbyterian Church at Cotton Plant.
The hearse was followed by more than a dozen firetrucks driven by firefighters from several Union County fire departments.
Follow this link to Carl Martin’s full obituary: