Rep, Trent Kelly to speak at Republican Women meeting, Oct. 22


Union County Republican Women will meet Monday, October 22, at 6:30 PM, at Cook’s Adult Daycare Center at 611 Moss Hill Drive.
We are very excited to have U. S.  Representative Trent Kelly as speaker at Monday’s meeting. Rep. Kelly has served in Mississippi’s 1st Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives since his victory in a special election on June 2, 2015. Rep. Kelly serves on the House Armed Services Committee, the House Committee on Agriculture and on the Small Business Committee. This will be an opportunity to meet Rep. Kelly and discuss any concerns or questions you may have. He brings several areas of expertise to his position.

This will also be a membership drive meeting.  See what you’ve been missing; become more informed on local and national politics.

All are welcome, so please, come and bring a friend!

Our November meeting will be at the VA home in Oxford on the 19th.  More information about this meeting will be forthcoming as well as a list of needed items to donate for these deserving and honored members of our military.

For more details: Elizabeth Skinner at