Run-off election to be held for MS Supreme Court

New Albany, MS– Union County Circuit Court Clerk Phyllis Stanford reminds voters that there will be a run-off election on Tuesday, November 29th.

If you thought we were finished with elections for this year, you were wrong. Hopefully, it will be easier for voters to decide between the two MS Supreme Court Judge candidates than it was to decide between the two candidates for President of the United States.

In MS Supreme Court District 3, the race for the Position 1 seat, vacated by retired justice Ann Lamar, had no candidate who received more than 50 percent of the votes cast in the election. Therefore, the two highest vote-getters, District Court Judge Robert (Bobby)  Chamberlin and Columbus attorney John Brady will face each other in a run-off election.

In the November 8th election, Chamberlin out-polled Brady: 98,478 (30%) to 95,146 (29%) in unofficial tallies.

Circuit Clerk Stanford says, “Absentee ballots should be in my office and voting should begin tomorrow (November 17th) for the run-off. We will be open this Saturday (November 19th) and next Saturday (November 26th) for absentee voting.”

The circuit Clerk’s office will be open 8:00 AM to noon on Saturdays for absentee voting. The polls will be open 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM on November 29th.